Saturday, September 12, 2015

Snapshot: Markets

The markets are incredible. Aix is known for its markets, which are every day of the week! There are also special vintage markets and clothes markets on certain days. Every single product is from Provence, or at least France, and they are incredible. Let me repeat. I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E. Every single thing that I put in my mouth is the best thing I’ve ever had. The freshest and juiciest peaches. The ripest figs (not counting the ones I picked off a tree along the street). The tangiest, freshest chevre. The best wine. Everything! And everything is extremely cheap! People who live here actually come to the market every day in order to buy their food for the day. The bread that comes from the bakeries doesn’t have any kind of preservatives, so you have to buy a new loaf every day (and at 50 cents a loaf, it’s not a problem).

I have been living off of goat cheese, bread, and fruit. I sincerely have not had anything else to eat. Is that wrong? Because it feels right.

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