Monday, June 8, 2015

Finding Myself (Ireland to Provence)

Well. I finished my sophomore year of college!
Instead of feeling accomplished, calm, and sure of myself, I feel as though I am more confused than ever now. At least when I was a freshman, I had a false sense of self-esteem and security, but the two years I spent on a roller coaster at Duke was enough to unbuckle the safety harness and throw me, wildly, chaotically, terrifying, off the tracks.
When I first entered college, I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life and what values I held. But now I'm not so sure. Every day, I question things I have been taught, morals I have held, and lessons I have learned. I wonder what is important in each moment, and how I should try and live my life.
These are questions that I've been asking myself, and which I hope to start to answer in the next 8 months. 
On Friday, I leave Massachusetts for Dublin, Ireland. 
I'll be working for a non-profit company called New Communities Partnership, which aims to help refugees and migrants gain their citizenship. I am participating in DukeEngage, a Duke program that funds 500 students each year to do service work in different countries and domestically. I am in the Dublin program, with 8 awesome students and two incredible directors. I have absolutely no idea what to expect, but I am looking forward to a really unique experience. I'll be there for two months!
After Ireland, I'll be coming home for three weeks before heading to Aix-en-Provence, France, where I'll be studying abroad until late December.

I don't know what is in store for me these next few months, but I know it is going to change my life forever!

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Hi! I blog at Brunch and Bijoux. Celebrating les belles petites choses in life.
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